Employer Partnerships

Employer involvement is fundamental to the success of this bootcamp. This bootcamp provides a win/win for both students and employers. Employers typically find it difficult to find high quality junior developers and people without experience struggle to get into the industry without the right training. This bootcamp is designed to bridge that gap. Here are some of the benefits of getting involved as an employer.

A Steady Stream of Junior Developers

This program will create a steady stream of well trained junior developers from whom you can select candidates from.

Shape the Curriculum

The curriculum is not necessarily set in stone. If you need specific skills, we can look to incorporate those skills into the program. The program only makes sense if local employers want the skills being taught.

Meet the Students

We provide plenty of opportunities for our partner employers to get involved throughout the program. Delivering guest speaker slots, and being involved in assessing projects. This gives you the chance to vet students before the program even finishes to see if you might want to interview any of them. You will get a chance to get to know them and they will get a chance to get to know you, increasing the chances that the ones you want will come and work for you at the end of the program.

How much does it cost employers?
